Very Inspiring Blog Award

Hey all,

So Christine. B. Ross has nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog Award. Link: Thanks Christine! 🙂 I am exceedingly flattered, especially because I’ve only been at this for a short while and did not think I had much presence in the community. It comes with a few rules that are as follows:

  1. Thank the one who nominated by linking their blog and display the award emblem.
  2. Nominate some other blogs (15ish or so) and link them.
  3. Mention three things that inspired you the most in the last week or so…

I did some digging about this award and found it it’s rather unique. It’s sort of like those old chain emails that passed on collections of jokes, except it passes on goodwill. Their doesn’t appear to be any method for voting, and that makes it mean more in a way. It’s a token of gratitude that someone chooses to call you out personally as someone that has touched them. You can follow the chain of nominations back through quite a number of blogs. I couldn’t find a source, but it’s lovely to see people reaching out to each other. On that note, there’s no way I can think of fifteen blogs that I could nominate(again with the not having been here very long), but there are definitely a few I’d like to recognize. They are as follows:

The girl in the flowery dress: She’s a person whose been through a lot in life and holds onto some viewpoints that tend to make you enemies. I respect and admire her strength to be who she is.

Beautiful life with cancer: . This woman is kind of astounding. She’s a mother, a cancer survivor and patient with Addison’s disease. Inspite of that, she’s a very uplifting person. For living life on hard mode, cheers to you.

Pete Dekon: He’s done what I think many bloggers have dreamed of, and published his book. Congrats for making it to the finish line mate.

I’m sure there are many more who deserve it buy I am still quite new and learning my way around.

Alright then, I believe that’s everyone I can think of. This was good. It’s fitting to start the new year with some spreading of cheer. Thanks again Christine!

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